Update on the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan

May 2020

Work on the 2020-2025 has been steadily progressing since President M. Christopher Brown II announced it in September. On Oct. 8, the Core Advisory Team met with our external consultant to review the entire planning process, discuss the role and activities for the on-campus focus groups, and to learn more about their roles in ensuring a successful plan planning process.

On October 21, 22 and 30, focus group meetings were held on campus with key stakeholders identified by Core Advisory Team members. Facilitated by our consultant, each group was offered the opportunity to discuss a series of questions about their perceptions of 性奴调教 and offer their suggestions about improving the future and sustainability of our institution.

During the first week of November, the online stakeholder survey was launched. Through this activity, we were able to collect a wide range of responses from those near and far. The survey featured the same questions as those asked of the on-campus focus groups to assure consistency in data collection.

The Core Advisory team met November 20 to review the results of stakeholder feedback. During that meeting, focus areas for further development as strategic goals were identified around the broad topics of student success and campus climate.

On December 5, a progress update was given to 性奴调教鈥檚 Board of Regents, sharing our progress to-date, as well as future planned activities. On Jan. 14, an all-campus drop-in was held to gather feedback on major themes from students, faculty and staff. In addition, on Jan. 22, we continued socialization of major themes by gathering deeper insights from faculty and our University鈥檚 Leadership Forum. During the month of February, the Core Advisory Team reconvened to draft high-level goals aligning with the major themes of Student Success, Campus Environment for Success and Operational Efficiency.

Watch this space for more information on the next steps of our 2020-2025 Kentucky State University Strategic Plan.